Все удалил.
Когда заменяю файл templates.class.php стандартным все роботает .
[spoiler="Вот тот файл который нужен чтоб был . Ну когда эго вставляешь не пашет сайт"]<?php
Copyright © 2004,2010 SoftNews Media Group
Данный код защищен авторскими правами
Файл: templates.class.php
Назначение: Парсинг шаблонов
*/ class dle_template {
var $dir = '.';
var $template = null;
var $copy_template = null;
var $data = array ();
var $block_data = array ();
var $result = array ('info' => '', 'vote' => '', 'speedbar' => '', 'content' => '' );
var $allow_php_include = true;
var $template_parse_time = 0;
function set($name, $var) {
if( is_array( $var ) && count( $var ) ) {
foreach ( $var as $key => $key_var ) {
$this->set( $key, $key_var );
} else
$this->data[$name] = $var;
function set_block($name, $var) {
if( is_array( $var ) && count( $var ) ) {
foreach ( $var as $key => $key_var ) {
$this->set_block( $key, $key_var );
} else
$this->block_data[$name] = $var;
function load_template($tpl_name) {
$time_before = $this->get_real_time();
if( $tpl_name == '' || ! file_exists( $this->dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tpl_name ) ) {
die( "Невозможно загрузить шаблон: " . $tpl_name );
return false;
$this->template = file_get_contents( $this->dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tpl_name );
if (strpos ( $this->template, "[aviable=" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace ( "#\\[aviable=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/aviable\\]#ies", "\$this->check_module('\\1', '\\2')", $this->template );
if (strpos ( $this->template, "[not-aviable=" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace ( "#\\[not-aviable=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/not-aviable\\]#ies", "\$this->check_module('\\1', '\\2', false)", $this->template );
if (strpos ( $this->template, "[not-group=" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace ( "#\\[not-group=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/not-group\\]#ies", "\$this->check_group('\\1', '\\2', false)", $this->template );
if (strpos ( $this->template, "[group=" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace ( "#\\[group=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/group\\]#ies", "\$this->check_group('\\1', '\\2')", $this->template );
if( strpos( $this->template, "{include file=" ) !== false ) {
$this->template = preg_replace( "#\\{include file=['\"](.+?)['\"]\\}#ies", "\$this->load_file('\\1', 'tpl')", $this->template );
$this->copy_template = $this->template;
$this->template_parse_time += $this->get_real_time() - $time_before;
return true;
function load_file( $name, $include_file = "tpl" ) {
global $db, $is_logged, $member_id, $cat_info, $config, $user_group, $category_id, $_TIME, $lang, $smartphone_detected, $dle_module;
$name = str_replace( '..', '', $name );
$url = @parse_url ($name);
$type = explode( ".", $url['path'] );
$type = strtolower( end( $type ) );
if ($type == "tpl") {
return $this->sub_load_template( $name );
if ($include_file == "php") {
if ( !$this->allow_php_include ) return;
if ($type != "php") return "Для подключения допускаются только файлы с расширением .tpl или .php";
if ($url['path']{0} == "/" )
$file_path = dirname (ROOT_DIR.$url['path']);
$file_path = dirname (ROOT_DIR."/".$url['path']);
$file_name = pathinfo($url['path']);
$file_name = $file_name['basename'];
if ( stristr ( php_uname( "s" ) , "windows" ) === false )
$chmod_value = @decoct(@fileperms($file_path)) % 1000;
if ( stristr ( dirname ($url['path']) , "uploads" ) !== false )
return "Файл находится в недопустимой папке /uploads/";
if ( stristr ( dirname ($url['path']) , "templates" ) !== false )
return "Файл находится в недопустимой папке /templates/";
if ($chmod_value == 777 ) return "Файл {$url['path']} находится в папке, которая доступна для записи (CHMOD 777). В целях безопасности подключение файлов из таких папок невозможно. Измените права на папку, чтобы на нее небыло прав на запись.";
if ( !file_exists($file_path."/".$file_name) ) return "Файл {$url['path']} не найден, его загрузка невозможна.";
if ( $url['query'] ) {
parse_str( $url['query'] );
$tpl = new dle_template( );
$tpl->dir = TEMPLATE_DIR;
include $file_path."/".$file_name;
return ob_get_clean();
return '{include file="'.$name.'"}';
function sub_load_template( $tpl_name ) {
$tpl_name = totranslit( $tpl_name );
if( $tpl_name == '' || ! file_exists( $this->dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tpl_name ) ) {
return "Отсутствует файл шаблона: " . $tpl_name ;
return false;
$template = file_get_contents( $this->dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tpl_name );
if (strpos ( $template, "[aviable=" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace ( "#\\[aviable=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/aviable\\]#ies", "\$this->check_module('\\1', '\\2')", $template );
if (strpos ( $template, "[not-aviable=" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace ( "#\\[not-aviable=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/not-aviable\\]#ies", "\$this->check_module('\\1', '\\2', false)", $template );
if (strpos ( $template, "[not-group=" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace ( "#\\[not-group=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/not-group\\]#ies", "\$this->check_group('\\1', '\\2', false)", $template );
if (strpos ( $template, "[group=" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace ( "#\\[group=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/group\\]#ies", "\$this->check_group('\\1', '\\2')", $template );
return $template;
function check_module($aviable, $block, $action = true) {
global $dle_module;
$aviable = explode( '|', $aviable );
$block = str_replace( '\"', '"', $block );
if( $action ) {
if( ! (in_array( $dle_module, $aviable )) and ($aviable[0] != "global") ) return "";
else return $block;
} else {
if( (in_array( $dle_module, $aviable )) ) return "";
else return $block;
function check_group($groups, $block, $action = true) {
global $member_id;
$groups = explode( ',', $groups );
if( $action ) {
if( ! in_array( $member_id['user_group'], $groups ) ) return "";
} else {
if( in_array( $member_id['user_group'], $groups ) ) return "";
$block = str_replace( '\"', '"', $block );
return $block;
function _clear() {
$this->data = array ();
$this->block_data = array ();
$this->copy_template = $this->template;
function clear() {
$this->data = array ();
$this->block_data = array ();
$this->copy_template = null;
$this->template = null;
function global_clear() {
$this->data = array ();
$this->block_data = array ();
$this->result = array ();
$this->copy_template = null;
$this->template = null;
function compile($tpl) {
$time_before = $this->get_real_time();
if( count( $this->block_data ) ) {
foreach ( $this->block_data as $key_find => $key_replace ) {
$find_preg[] = $key_find;
$replace_preg[] = $key_replace;
$this->copy_template = preg_replace( $find_preg, $replace_preg, $this->copy_template );
foreach ( $this->data as $key_find => $key_replace ) {
$find[] = $key_find;
$replace[] = $key_replace;
$this->copy_template = str_replace( $find, $replace, $this->copy_template );
if( strpos( $this->copy_template, "{include file=" ) !== false ) {
$this->copy_template = preg_replace( "#\\{include file=['\"](.+?)['\"]\\}#ies", "\$this->load_file('\\1', 'php')", $this->copy_template );
if( isset( $this->result[$tpl] ) ) $this->result[$tpl] .= $this->copy_template;
else $this->result[$tpl] = $this->copy_template;
$this->template_parse_time += $this->get_real_time() - $time_before;
function get_real_time() {
list ( $seconds, $microSeconds ) = explode( ' ', microtime() );
return (( float ) $seconds + ( float ) $microSeconds);
function load_snippet($tpl_name = '', $param = '', $content = '')
require_once SNIPPETS_DIR."/core/access.php";
global $member_id;
$access = array_merge($access, $access_group[$member_id['user_group']]);
if(!in_array($tpl_name, array_keys($access))) return null;
$p['snippetcontent'] = $content;
if ($tpl_name == '' || !file_exists($dir.$tpl_name)) { die ("Невозможно загрузить сниппет: ". $tpl_name); return false;}
$param = explode("&",$param);
foreach ($param as $val)
$arr = explode("=",$val);
$p[$arr[0]] = $arr[1];
[spoiler="От оригинал файла При котором сайт роботает"]
Copyright © 2004,2010 SoftNews Media Group
Данный код защищен авторскими правами
Файл: templates.class.php
Назначение: Парсинг шаблонов
class dle_template {
var $dir = '.';
var $template = null;
var $copy_template = null;
var $data = array ();
var $block_data = array ();
var $result = array ('info' => '', 'vote' => '', 'speedbar' => '', 'content' => '' );
var $allow_php_include = true;
var $template_parse_time = 0;
function set($name, $var) {
if( is_array( $var ) && count( $var ) ) {
foreach ( $var as $key => $key_var ) {
$this->set( $key, $key_var );
} else
$this->data[$name] = $var;
function set_block($name, $var) {
if( is_array( $var ) && count( $var ) ) {
foreach ( $var as $key => $key_var ) {
$this->set_block( $key, $key_var );
} else
$this->block_data[$name] = $var;
function load_template($tpl_name) {
$time_before = $this->get_real_time();
if( $tpl_name == '' || ! file_exists( $this->dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tpl_name ) ) {
die( "Невозможно загрузить шаблон: " . $tpl_name );
return false;
$this->template = file_get_contents( $this->dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tpl_name );
if (strpos ( $this->template, "[aviable=" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace ( "#\\[aviable=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/aviable\\]#ies", "\$this->check_module('\\1', '\\2')", $this->template );
if (strpos ( $this->template, "[not-aviable=" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace ( "#\\[not-aviable=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/not-aviable\\]#ies", "\$this->check_module('\\1', '\\2', false)", $this->template );
if (strpos ( $this->template, "[not-group=" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace ( "#\\[not-group=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/not-group\\]#ies", "\$this->check_group('\\1', '\\2', false)", $this->template );
if (strpos ( $this->template, "[group=" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace ( "#\\[group=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/group\\]#ies", "\$this->check_group('\\1', '\\2')", $this->template );
if( strpos( $this->template, "{include file=" ) !== false ) {
$this->template = preg_replace( "#\\{include file=['\"](.+?)['\"]\\}#ies", "\$this->load_file('\\1', 'tpl')", $this->template );
$this->copy_template = $this->template;
$this->template_parse_time += $this->get_real_time() - $time_before;
return true;
function load_file( $name, $include_file = "tpl" ) {
global $db, $is_logged, $member_id, $cat_info, $config, $user_group, $category_id, $_TIME, $lang, $smartphone_detected, $dle_module;
$name = str_replace( '..', '', $name );
$url = @parse_url ($name);
$type = explode( ".", $url['path'] );
$type = strtolower( end( $type ) );
if ($type == "tpl") {
return $this->sub_load_template( $name );
if ($include_file == "php") {
if ( !$this->allow_php_include ) return;
if ($type != "php") return "Для подключения допускаются только файлы с расширением .tpl или .php";
if ($url['path']{0} == "/" )
$file_path = dirname (ROOT_DIR.$url['path']);
$file_path = dirname (ROOT_DIR."/".$url['path']);
$file_name = pathinfo($url['path']);
$file_name = $file_name['basename'];
if ( stristr ( php_uname( "s" ) , "windows" ) === false )
$chmod_value = @decoct(@fileperms($file_path)) % 1000;
if ( stristr ( dirname ($url['path']) , "uploads" ) !== false )
return "Файл находится в недопустимой папке /uploads/";
if ( stristr ( dirname ($url['path']) , "templates" ) !== false )
return "Файл находится в недопустимой папке /templates/";
if ($chmod_value == 777 ) return "Файл {$url['path']} находится в папке, которая доступна для записи (CHMOD 777). В целях безопасности подключение файлов из таких папок невозможно. Измените права на папку, чтобы на нее небыло прав на запись.";
if ( !file_exists($file_path."/".$file_name) ) return "Файл {$url['path']} не найден, его загрузка невозможна.";
if ( $url['query'] ) {
parse_str( $url['query'] );
$tpl = new dle_template( );
$tpl->dir = TEMPLATE_DIR;
include $file_path."/".$file_name;
return ob_get_clean();
return '{include file="'.$name.'"}';
function sub_load_template( $tpl_name ) {
$tpl_name = totranslit( $tpl_name );
if( $tpl_name == '' || ! file_exists( $this->dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tpl_name ) ) {
return "Отсутствует файл шаблона: " . $tpl_name ;
return false;
$template = file_get_contents( $this->dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tpl_name );
if (strpos ( $template, "[aviable=" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace ( "#\\[aviable=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/aviable\\]#ies", "\$this->check_module('\\1', '\\2')", $template );
if (strpos ( $template, "[not-aviable=" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace ( "#\\[not-aviable=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/not-aviable\\]#ies", "\$this->check_module('\\1', '\\2', false)", $template );
if (strpos ( $template, "[not-group=" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace ( "#\\[not-group=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/not-group\\]#ies", "\$this->check_group('\\1', '\\2', false)", $template );
if (strpos ( $template, "[group=" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace ( "#\\[group=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/group\\]#ies", "\$this->check_group('\\1', '\\2')", $template );
return $template;
function check_module($aviable, $block, $action = true) {
global $dle_module;
$aviable = explode( '|', $aviable );
$block = str_replace( '\"', '"', $block );
if( $action ) {
if( ! (in_array( $dle_module, $aviable )) and ($aviable[0] != "global") ) return "";
else return $block;
} else {
if( (in_array( $dle_module, $aviable )) ) return "";
else return $block;
function check_group($groups, $block, $action = true) {
global $member_id;
$groups = explode( ',', $groups );
if( $action ) {
if( ! in_array( $member_id['user_group'], $groups ) ) return "";
} else {
if( in_array( $member_id['user_group'], $groups ) ) return "";
$block = str_replace( '\"', '"', $block );
return $block;
function _clear() {
$this->data = array ();
$this->block_data = array ();
$this->copy_template = $this->template;
function clear() {
$this->data = array ();
$this->block_data = array ();
$this->copy_template = null;
$this->template = null;
function global_clear() {
$this->data = array ();
$this->block_data = array ();
$this->result = array ();
$this->copy_template = null;
$this->template = null;
function compile($tpl) {
$time_before = $this->get_real_time();
if( count( $this->block_data ) ) {
foreach ( $this->block_data as $key_find => $key_replace ) {
$find_preg[] = $key_find;
$replace_preg[] = $key_replace;
$this->copy_template = preg_replace( $find_preg, $replace_preg, $this->copy_template );
foreach ( $this->data as $key_find => $key_replace ) {
$find[] = $key_find;
$replace[] = $key_replace;
$this->copy_template = str_replace( $find, $replace, $this->copy_template );
if( strpos( $this->copy_template, "{include file=" ) !== false ) {
$this->copy_template = preg_replace( "#\\{include file=['\"](.+?)['\"]\\}#ies", "\$this->load_file('\\1', 'php')", $this->copy_template );
if( isset( $this->result[$tpl] ) ) $this->result[$tpl] .= $this->copy_template;
else $this->result[$tpl] = $this->copy_template;
$this->template_parse_time += $this->get_real_time() - $time_before;
function get_real_time() {
list ( $seconds, $microSeconds ) = explode( ' ', microtime() );
return (( float ) $seconds + ( float ) $microSeconds);